Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Got a minute? I need a favor! I work at Trophy House and we just got a new website. But there's some disagreement as to whether or not the website works correctly. Some of us think any problem is due to the computer being used, others (Larry) think the website causes computers to be slow. So, if you've got a minute then please go to and cruise around the site for a minute. Specifically, do any of the product pages load slowly? Even more specifically, the basic plaques page. Please let me know if you notice anything that we should fix. Thanks!


Peace family said...

The basic trophy page loaded REALLY slow - so slow that it froze my computer. I didn't try navigating anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Everything loaded really fast for me. I went all over the site.

Anonymous said...


It's a my blog. I've heard from multiple people around the world that my blog loads slowly the first time. So, it might be a problem with or it might be a problem with the number of graphics/size of graphics used.

Anonymous said...

I went to all the pages without any problems. Nice site!!


Jessica said...

worked well for me. Except I had one problem...on the about us page, there was no giant photo of you...disappointment

Anonymous said...


Can't believe how often you are posting lately!!! The site worked fine for me. Was nicely done also.

Mrs. D

Anonymous said...

Speed seemed fine enough. However, it doesn't cache well, so whenever I go back, it reloads everything. I'm not sure if your web manager can fix this or not.

Peace family said...

Checked it today - worked great. No problems. Maybe it was just our computer.