Sunday, July 29, 2007


Sorry for the drought of updates, I've been on the road a lot plus I've been lazy. Good excuse? I hope so. Now I'm at mom's in MS, but in about a month it won't be ours anymore so it's a little weird. Everyone came home this weekend so there have been 6 little kids running, screaming, crying, pooping, kicking, screaming some more, kicking some more, and screaming all weekend. Now we're down to 5 kids, but I get a bed now so it's not as bad as before.

I gave a presentation on China at our Sunday night meeting today. Now that it's over I can concentrate on making sure I have what I need to go back on the 7th, planning my trip to Xinjiang, getting my car on the market, packing up all the stuff in my old room, and taking a nap. I'm not sure what to do first. Maybe I'll throw in a little Nintendo Wii.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Last time I mentioned the troubles going on here at home. Well today there was a congregational meeting at which anyone who signed up on a list could speak for no more than 5 minutes, only addressing the current issue. About 50 people spoke, the meeting lasted just over 2 and a half hours. A lot of good things were said, and a lot of hotheaded things were said. I said my piece, giving my perspective on this mess after having spent 2 years in China. I know the next few weeks will still be tough on the folks here. I am convinced that a lot of people who are in the opposition are only there through misguided teaching. I'm also convinced that the current preacher is poisoning the church here and that as long as he remains very little good can be done. I say all this to encourage everyone to remember the church here in Cleveland, to pray without ceasing, and to be on guard for wolves in sheep's clothing. As I said today, you can have a lot of zeal for scripture and have a total lack of zeal for Christ. If your interpretation of a scripture does not match the example Christ lived, then you need to go back and read it again. There's no room in the church for personal agendas, there's only room for God and his work.