Sunday, April 22, 2007

New Family galore! (Reprise)

I know that I had a post last month with the same name, but I've got the same basic news this time around. This past week I became the proud new owner of a brand new baby nephew, complete with that new nephew smell! Yay! John (Jack) Ryan Neal was born Monday morning to Billy and Stacey. He's the third of an unknown number of children. Check back in 10 years to see if they've stopped yet. The other news of the week is that last week we also received two new sisters to the Family here in Shiyan. The seed is being scattered in all kinds of soil here in Shiyan.


Vail said...

Don't forget 2 more pairs of squeaky shoes!! :) Miss you lots.

LaughingLaura said...

Hm... Jack Ryan... Are Billy and Stacey, by any chance, fans of Tom Clancy?

Anonymous said...

Yay for new family!

I have a new grandson ten weeks ago!

Keep up the great work, Brian!