Sunday, December 17, 2006

Test video

I'm trying to learn how to put a stinkin' video on here. It would help if I could find a convenient video posting website that would consistently work here. I think I've just about got it, so here is my first video addition. It should be a clip of the taiji routine I'm learning in class. We practice three times a week and I feel like I might actually be learning something. In case you get confused, the video isn't actually of ME.


Vail said...

the film worked for me and came with music and chinese commentary:)

It opened in windows media player.

Ensor said...

hey bri

do you have to wear pink scrubs like that girl when you are practicing that stuff?


Anonymous said...

What? This isn't you? WOW - I'm glad you told me or otherwise I would have never known...

JD said...

Merry Christmas Brian! Hope you are well and know that you are loved.

By the way...since you hop blog hosts like I eat cookies, you ought to just go to and sign up for a free blog there and then you would not have to deal with all the issues of blogger ... but that's just me!

bless you my friend!